Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Check out my Slide Show!

Lots has happened since I last posted.
**Richard graduated 4th grade and elementary school. He is on to Intermediate school.
**Clara graduated preschool and is onto Kindergarten/Elementary school.
In the fall everyone will be in a new situation because Clara and Richard are both going to a new 'big' school and that leaves Ashley in day care all by herself for the first time (tear, tear).
**Ashley and Clara had their dance recital. Clara rocked the house as most two year veterans do. Ashley enjoyed the spotlight since it was her first dance recital. She even got a little carried away with tap dancing, slipped, and fell. All I can say is "MEMORIES"!

Other than this, we have just been enjoying many things as a family. Hanging out with friends at the house, going to the water park (Mimi bought us NRH2O season passes for Christmas), going to do things together as a family, and hanging out at the family. Take a look at the pics!